Juan Valbuena presents “Noray”
After more than a decade of travels around La Ancha Frontera (The Wide Frontier, a territory that according to the author coincides with the Mediterranean Sea), and by the hand of an alternative publishing house called PHREE – specialising in documentary photography-, this very moving and highly recommended travel book now sees the light of day.
On his wanderings through cities and islands bathed by the Roman mare nostrum, Valbuena has taken photos and – to supplement them, he has bought others in the ports-, he has recorded videos, held interviews…but he has also written travel diaries that include drawings, postcards, encounters… and which have helped to round off the project. A project in which Artes Gráficas Palermo has played a special role, with a highlight being the positive rapport established between both parties.
Juan Valbuena is a professor for the International Master’s Degree in Photography at EFTI, a founder photographer in the NOPHOTO agency and coordinator of PROYECTA (an independent scheme that uses projection as a way of disseminating the works of young authors).